“They really did open that door for me to make the choice when it comes to finding the right house for me.”

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Resources for Renters and Prospective Homeowners

These resources are for informational and self-guidance purposes. If you are having a housing emergency or are at risk of loosing housing, contact our Emergency Housing Assistance Program.


Resources to Strengthen Financial Confidence


Information for Renters

Affordable Housing Options

Tenants Rights


Preparing for Homeownership


Keeping and Maintaining Your Home


Fair Housing

  • Fair Housing Guide
  • Watch "Accents", a short public service announcement about housing discrimination.

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OFO is a proud member of HomeSmartNY, the leading coalition of homeownership advisors in New York State.
When accessing our services, if you need assistance due to a language barrier, mobility impairments, visual or hearing impairments, or other disabilities, please let us know in advance so we can provide the necessary accommodation.